DotShoppingCart CMS page is comprised by the server blocks, which are the pre-built server side controls. The out of box software comes with a handful of common blocks. The article is going to talk about creating your own server block.
Notice: read this blog entry for DotShoppingCart V2.5+.
1) Create the Standard ASP.NET stardard User Control and derive it from DotShoppingCart.OpenSource.Core.BlockUserControl
In the Page_Load method add the following code.
public partial class YourCustomControls : BlockUserControl {
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
EnableViewState = WebUtils.IsPageEditorEnable();
editor.BlockUserControl = this;
if (ShowEditor) {
pnlBlockContent.CssClass = "BlockEditPanel";
editor.BlockTitle = string.Format("Your Custom Control {0}", BlockId);
In the ascx file add the following code.
<%@ Register tagprefix="dsc" tagname="BlockEditor" src="/Controls/Blocks/BlockEditor.ascx" %>
<dsc:BlockEditor id="editor" runat="server" />
<asp:Panel id="pnlBlockContent" runat="server">
<%-- Place your control content here --%>
A simple example is to check web\controls\blocks\Search.ascx and files.
2) Hook up the new block in DB
Insert a new entry to dbo.DSC_Block_Type_lkp table e.g. INSERT INTO DSC_Block_Type_lkp (type, virtualPath) VALUES ('My Block', '/Controls/Blocks/MyBlock.ascx')
Insert a new entry to dbo.DSC_Block_Type_Group_Block_Type_Map